Please let me go, away…
New Territories / M4 with Pierre Huyghe (Thailand, France)
“A train stops every day at the same time, and same station. Sometimes someone is going alone, in the hostile situation to reach an illusory point that can never be met. The artifact is in the way… Sounds and noises of uncertain origin, uncertain, explained phenomena, creature tracks, chill, hypothermia and its imminent threat, of dilated pupils, of inaudible heartbeats, the anteroom to unconsciousness, mortem-post-mortem, a close call, absolutely painless, ataraxic, asymptotically. As the curve reaches closer to its fate a rite of passage is lived over and over again… a passage is open, a transdoor, a line of escape… the endorphin hallucination of the reptilian part of the brain wrap the suffering, to transform the pain in pleasure… psychotropic chemistry reaction facing the hostile…” –FR
Please let me go, away… a design/performance/video work by Bangkok-based New-Territories / M4 with Pierre Huyghe rethinks the human by exploring the ritual of self-assisted euthanasia. A train journey up a Swiss mountainside becomes a journey beyond the limits of body and mind, and beyond the limits of time. The cyberpunk mentality of New-Territories / M4 abandons any simple distinction of past and future, operating at “the crack of the fork between real time utopia and speculative sociopathology.”