×3rd Istanbul Design Biennialended
×Design Chronology Turkey | Draft
filesare now online!
×3rd Istanbul Design Biennial
Openingon Youtube
×3rd Istanbul Design Biennial on
International Press
×3rd Istanbul Design Biennial Participants Announcedon Facebook
×Subscribe to Superhumanity
letter here
×3rd Istanbul Design Biennial starts on
22 Octoberon ArchDaily
discuss the
themeon ArchDaily
our participants:
Jussi Parikkaon Pinterest
×Co-curators discuss
“good design”
on Metropolison Facebook
Meet our
Lesley Lokko on Tumblr
our participants:
Territorial Agencyon Instagram
×Where is 3rd
Istanbul Design Biennial?
At Galata Greek Schoolon Twitter
our participants:
Lucy McRae on Facebook
Where is 3rd
Istanbul Design Biennial?
At Studio-X on Tumblr
our participants:
Eyal Weizman, Paolo Tavareson Twitter
our participants:
Tacita Deanon Pinterest
×Where is 3rd
Istanbul Design Biennial?
At Depoon Instagram
our participants:
Madelon Vriesendorp on Tumblr
×Where is 3rd
Istanbul Design Biennial?
At Alton Facebook
our participants:
Marshmallow Laser Feast on Facebook
×Big meeting
with the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial teamon Facebook
×Symposium at
AA School of Architectureon Facebook
×Working on the #Istanbul
DesignBiennialon Twitter
×Curators at #TheYearofDesign eventon Instagram
×Meet our graphic designerson Pinterest
“Are We Human?”
on The Monocle
Dailyon Tumblr
×Co-curators explaining the
themeon Youtube 3′ 50″
×The third
proposition of
themeon Instagram
×The 4th
proposition of
themeon Facebook
×Design also invents radical inequalitieson Twitter
Triadic Ballet, 1922on Tumblr
×Design is even the design of neglecton Pinterest
×Last two
propositions of
themeon Tumblr
×From the last
2 seconds to the last 200.000 yearson Facebook
×The Human is the Designing Animalon Twitter
×Alex Pring
a bionic arm from
Iron Man, 2015on Instagram