The Shepherd
Bager Akbay (Turkey)
Studio-X Istanbul
“The Shepherd is kind of a conceptual automata designed to crowd-source and manage any kind of ‘pre-defined aim’ within a budget. In this exhibition, the aim is to ‘design, prepare, and build an exhibition for the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial in the specified area.” … Everybody will know they are working for an algorithm, and that it is not controlled by any human… There’s a possibility that the white room will be empty at the end, but the black room will have all the documentation. …the aim is to create a fully autonomous curatorial and management system that can be used by possible future robot artists. The Shepherd is not coded / designed / researched to become another tool for humankind, but instead to use humankind itself as a tool.”
The Shepherd by Istanbul based robot-maker Bagar Akbay is an exhibition making automata with two parts: a ‘white room’ is the exhibition itself (we do not know what it will be exactly, and we will not know until opening day or even at the closing), and a ‘black room’ will be a behind-the-scenes look at the process of making the ‘white room’ where Bagar Akbay offers his assistance to the machine.