inside inside
Organised by: Anna Fairchild & Lucy Renton
inside inside is a short, high intensity residency of UK and Turkish artists and architects taking place in Galata Dernegi during the Design Biennale, curated by Anna Fairchild and Lucy Renton. The residency will be open to the public for informal discussion of work in progress on Friday 28th October 11.00 – 14.00 at Galata Kulesi Sokak No:21 34420 Beyoğlu-İstanbul.
Symposium will take place at Salon IKSV on Thursday 27th October 10.00 – 16.00 with 6 participants (Anna Fairchild, Lucy Renton, Sally Labern, Rob Flint, Mikey Georgeson, Cathy Gale) from the inside inside residency who will showcase their practice through the prism of the project aims, and the wider themes of the Biennale.
Both events are free and do not require tickets.
For more information about the residency and the public events, please see the inside inside website