Diller Scofidio + Renfro (USA)
Galata Greek Primary School
“In Darwin’s exploration of the expressions and emotions of humans and animals, he sought to categorize the emotional underpinnings of the human species as manifest through largely involuntary but visible actions and effects… In response to self-attention, shame, shyness or modesty, blushing is caused by the release of adrenaline that dilates the pupils, slows the digestive system, quickens the heart and breathing, and dilates blood vessels, especially those of the face. We blush when something is revealed that was meant to be kept secret, when we are put under public scrutiny, or when we feel flattered, embarrassed or ashamed. Because the blush appears alongside a range of emotional reactions… it is elusive, difficult to predict, and impossible to fake. The blush therefore acts as an indication of sincerity and of our human condition.” –ED
Unspoken is a split screen video installation on blushing, or what Charles Darwin once called “the most peculiar and the most human of all expressions.” Two people are having a dialogue with their faces represented on screen through thermography. As the conversation progresses, the involuntary physiological effect of blushing reveals emotions different than those expressed verbally. Positioned between the two protagonists, the audience becomes listener of things spoken and viewer of things unspoken.