Performative Conference: “Design of the Seabed”
Saturday, November 5th, 14.00-20.00
Sunday, November 6th, 13.00-19.00
Alt Art Space
Deep-sea mining is an imminent anthropogenic intervention in some of the most remote areas of the Earth: the bottom of the oceans. It will profoundly change the planet’s design and in turn also our futures, which heavily depend on the seas.
The Performative conference “Design of the Seabed” organised with TBA21-Academy invites experts from the fields of science, law, policy making and art to convene over two days and publicly collaborate, and share their respective expertise on some of the most urgent issues at stake in the oceans.
5 November
2 pm Stefanie Hessler and Markus Reymann introduce TBA21-Academy and the conference “Are We Human? Design of the Seabed”
2.45 pm Film screening “Europium” by Lisa Rave
3.30 pm Nilufer Oral in conversation with Sandor Mulsow on deep sea mining, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and policy
4.30 pm Break
4.45 pm Zafer Kizilkaya on marine management and conservation
5.30 pm Margarida Mendes on curating and anti-extractivist activism in Portugal
6.15 pm Break
6.30 pm Nabil Ahmed on the Inter-Pacific Ring Tribunal (Interprt)
7.30 pm Wrap-up
8 pm Biennial closes
6 November
1 pm Georg Eder summarizes the previous day
1.30 pm Discussion and working plan
2 pm – 6 pm Public workshops
6 pm Discussion and commitments
7 pm Biennial closes
Nabil Ahmed, Artist, writer and researcher
Georg Eder, Project manager TBA21-Academy
Stefanie Hessler, Curator TBA21-Academy
Zafer Kizilkaya, President of the Mediterranean Conservation Society
Margarida Mendes, Curator, educator and activist
Sandor Mulsow, Head of the Office of Resources and Environmental Monitoring at the International Seabed Authority
Nilufer Oral, Deputy Director of the Istanbul Bilgi Marine Research Center for the Law of the Sea
Lisa Rave, Artist and filmmaker
Markus Reymann, Director TBA21-Academy
And remote interventions from a variety of experts.
Curated by Stefanie Hessler and Markus Reymann.